SOON after the government’s decision to limit proliferation of TV reality shows, Hunan TV announced that its broadcasts to five provinces of the hugely successful Super Girl contest would be extended to the whole nation. The Chinese counterpart of the US American Idol and the UK’s Pop Idol first aired in 2005, pulling in an amazing 150,000 participants and 400 It was public opinion that prompted the state administration to attempt to check the nationwide reality show fever.
SOON after the government’s decision to limit proliferation of TV reality shows, Hunan TV announced that its broadcasts to five provinces of the hugely successful Super Girl contest would be extended to the whole nation. The Chinese counterpart of the US American Idol and the UK’s Pop Idol first aired in 2005, pulling in an amazing 150,000 participants and 400 It was public opinion that prompted the state administration to attempt to check the nationwide reality show fever.