In recent years, we have seen cases of leukemia caused by acetaminophen in the treatment of psoriasis. We report the following case report. Male patient, 35 years old, electrician. Due to dizziness, swollen gums, fever 2mo, admitted to the hospital in January 1988. Due to psoriasis, taking acetaminophen from 1983 onwards, intermittent 6 bottles during 5yr, a total of about 600 (60g). 2mo before admission, consciously dizziness, fatigue, and gradually increased. Gingival swelling, pain, can not eat, fever, skin bleeding, blood in the hospital for treatment. Physical examination: body temperature 39 ℃, pulse 130 beats / min, breathing 22 times / min, blood pressure 17.33 / 10.67kpa. Anemia appearance, scattered bleeding spots in the skin, skin pigmentation of the trunk area was patchy (psoriasis alleviate the skin changes), scleral no yellow dye, tooth silver swelling, full mouth loose teeth, mouth opening difficulties.