提及反恐,让人想起 CS,也让人想到“9.11”,不过这种联想着实显得不够严肃。“9.11”是一个意味深长的符号,随后,美国大兵为了消灭“基地组织”和“本·拉登”,彻底荡平了阿富汗,捎带推翻了塔利班。再然后,反恐规模升级,反恐对象扩大,“萨达姆”成了阶下囚,伊拉克政权被推翻。现在,美国作为唯一“超级大国”,无人可以与之抗衡,对联合国这个绊脚石是说甩便甩,对联合国成员更是想灭谁就灭谁,反恐接下来就该给世界人民带来恐慌了。
Reference to anti-terrorism, reminiscent of CS, but also reminiscent of “9.11”, but this association is actually not serious enough. “9.11” is a meaningful symbol. Subsequently, the U.S. soldiers carried out the incident by overthrowing the Taliban by completely wiping out Afghanistan in order to eliminate “Al Qaeda” and “Osama bin Laden.” And then, the scale of anti-terrorism escalation, anti-terrorism expanded, “Saddam” became a prisoner, the Iraqi regime was overthrown. Now that the United States, as the only “superpower,” can no longer compete with it, it is a stumbling block to the UN that has left it behind. It is even more necessary for the UN members to destroy them and eliminate them. Anti-terrorism should then bring panic among the people of the world. It’s