患者,男,65岁,体重65 kg,既往无过敏反应。患者于2011年5月20日无明显诱因突然出现四肢无力、持物笨拙、行走不稳,小便控制不佳、10余次/d,多有失禁。无头晕、头痛、恶心、呕吐,无耳鸣、耳聋,视物旋转及视物不清,无意识丧失、肢体抽搐。当地医院给予对症治疗(具体用药情况不详)效果不佳。6月3日上述症状加重,独自行走不能,小便完全失禁。6月4日来我院就诊,头部MRI检查提示:双侧脑室周围、基底节区多发脑梗死,考虑为皮层下动脉硬化性
The patient, male, 65 years old, weighing 65 kg, had no previous allergic reaction. Patients on May 20, 2011 no obvious incentive suddenly appeared limb weakness, stubborn hold, walking unsteady, poor urination control, more than 10 times / d, and more incontinence. No dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, no tinnitus, deafness, visual rotation and blurred vision, unconscious loss, limb twitching. Local hospital for symptomatic treatment (specific medication is unknown) is not effective. June 3 The above symptoms worsened, unable to walk alone, urination completely incontinence. June 4 to our hospital, head MRI examination Tip: bilateral periventricular basal ganglia infarction, considered as subcortical arteriosclerosis