特邀主持人 朱宝和 2001年1月11日,本刊在京召开“促进电力板块宣传报道暨’电海论股’通联座谈会”。现刊登与会专家、领导的发言摘要,以飨读者。确定栏目定位促进板块报道 潘锁华(本刊社长兼主编) 本刊开办“电海论股”栏目已经一年了。为全国电力行业服务,为关注电力板块
Guest host Zhu Baohe On January 11th, 2001, the journal was held in Beijing and “Promoted power sector propaganda and reporting and the “Dianhai Stock Exchange” symposium”. A summary of the speeches of experts and leaders attending the conference will be published to readers. Confirming the Column Positioning and Promoting Sector Reports Pan Suohua (President and Editor-in-chief of the Journal) The publication of the “Electricity on Electricity Stocks” column has been for a year. Serve the national power industry, focusing on the power sector