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2002年的辽宁财政一路走来,依然风雨兼程。2002年的辽宁财政是艰苦的一年。这一年是辽宁经济转型的关键年头,财政人注定要付出更多的不眠之夜……2002年是辽宁财政财政改革任务最艰巨的一年:预算制度改革、国库集中支付、社保试点、县区行政事业性经费财政统管、政府采购运行、粮食体制变革……,千帆竞渡,大浪淘沙。2002年是辽宁财政创新的一年:观念创新、制度创新、方法创新。真是“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”。创新之花在财政工作的各个方面全面绽开。2002年是辽宁财政收获的一年:财政收入持续增长、财政支出能力增强、社会财富快速积累、经济转型顺应形势……2002年是辽宁财政史上值得珍藏的一年,因为有关它的所有记忆都是如此地鲜活,如一枚邮戳,镌刻在辽宁财政充满希望的年轮上。2002年,留给我们辽宁财政人的实在太多太多…… Liaoning Finance in 2002 along the way, is still stormy. Liaoning’s finance in 2002 was a tough year. This year is a crucial year for Liaoning’s economic restructuring. The financial people are doomed to pay more sleepless nights ... 2002 is the most arduous year for Liaoning’s financial and fiscal reform tasks: the reform of the budget system, the central treasury payment, the pilot of social security, the county District administrative funds for financial management, government procurement operations, food system reform ... ..., Qianfan race, Ebb Tide. 2002 is the year of Liaoning financial innovation: concept innovation, system innovation and method innovation. Really “suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees pear tree bloom.” The flower of innovation is in full swing in all aspects of financial work. 2002 is a Year of Liaoning Revenue: Continued Growth of Financial Revenue, Enhanced Capability of Fiscal Expenditure, Quick Accumulation of Social Wealth and Economic Transformation Followed by the Situation ... 2002 is a treasuring year in Liaoning ’s financial history because all its memory It is so fresh, such as a postmark, engraved on the ring of hope for Liaoning’s fiscal year. In 2002, it was too much, too much for the Liaoning financial people ...
The deformation and densification laws of preform upsetting and closed-die forging were researched based on experimental results of cold forging of deoxidized F
本刊讯 8月26至27日,全省人大财政工作会议在阳江举行,省人大常委会副主任黄伟鸿出席会议并讲话,省市两级人大财经委员会的有关领导共80多人参加了会议。这次会议是省人大换
2009年3月5日,中国人民大学人文社会科学学术成果谭价研究中心在《光明日报》发布了2008年度“复印报刊资料”对国内公开出版的4000余种期刊和报纸全文转载量 March 5, 2009