实施“三带战略” 创造群体优势——宿城镇启动倒闭企业有普遍意义

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怎样把企业的存量资产有效地盘活起来,使停产的恢复生产,倒闭的重新启动,不靠被动的甩包袱(指破产)去转嫁政府负担,这是目前经济欠发达地区乡镇企业发展中不可回避的一个现实问题。近年来,我市宿城镇党委、政府围绕这一问题,进行了积极的探索和实践,并制定、实施了“以大带小,以好带差,以优带劣”的“三带战略”,使全镇的工业生产出现了产值、销售、利税,职工收入全面大增长的好势头。1994年,实现工业销售收入3亿元,利税1721万元。今年1—4月份,已完成工业产值1.56亿元,实现利税1084万元,分别比上年同期增长了37%和51%。 宿城镇的镇办企业起步早,规模大,发展快,势头好,有15个企业产值在千万元以上,其中第一毛纺厂产值过亿元。但是,由于诸多方面因素的影响,还有一些企业因经营不善导致停产、半停产,有的甚至资不抵债,至了崩溃的边缘。如投资860万元建成的麻纺厂,运转不几年即告停产,累计负债达1452万元。如此沉重的企业“包袱”,压得政府、企业、银行都喘不过气来,而企业倒闭造成工人的失业,更给社会的稳定带来新的压力。 针对这种状况,镇党委、政府通过反复的思考和实践,探索出了一条以实施“三带战略”为方向的企业启动办法。第一毛纺厂加强企业内部管理,注重提高产品质量,积 How to effectively revitalize the company’s stock assets, so that the resumption of production after the suspension of production, and the reopening of bankruptcy, do not rely on passive rejection (referring to bankruptcy) to pass on the government burden. This is an unavoidable part of the development of township enterprises in economically underdeveloped areas. A realistic issue. In recent years, the city party committees and governments in the city have actively explored and practiced this issue, and formulated and implemented the “Three-zone Strategy” of “big, small, good, and good”. Therefore, the town’s industrial production has shown a good momentum of output value, sales, profits and taxes, and an all-round increase in employee income. In 1994, it achieved industrial sales revenue of 300 million yuan and profits of 17.21 million yuan. From January to April of this year, the industrial output value of 156 million yuan has been completed, and profits and taxes have reached 10.84 million yuan, an increase of 37% and 51% respectively from the same period of last year. The township-run enterprises in the cities and towns started early, were large-scale, developed rapidly, and had a good momentum. There were 15 enterprises with production value of more than 10 million yuan, of which the first wool mill had a production value of over 100 million yuan. However, due to the influence of many factors, there are still some companies that have caused discontinued production and semi-discontinued production due to poor management, and some have even become insolvent, and they are on the verge of collapse. For example, if an investment of 8.6 million yuan is made, the spinning mill will stop production within a few years, and the accumulated liabilities will be 14.52 million yuan. Such a heavy enterprise “burden” has pressured the government, enterprises, and banks to breathe. The collapse of the enterprise has caused workers to lose their jobs. This has brought new pressure on the stability of the society. In view of this situation, the town party committee and government have explored a business start-up approach based on the implementation of the “Three-zone strategy” through repeated reflection and practice. The First Woolen Textile Factory strengthens internal management of the company and focuses on improving product quality.
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去年,谷城县华兴化矿有限公司因下属分公 司(承包单位)与别单位发生经济纠纷, 法院认定,分公司不具有法人资格,经济责任由公司承担,公司因此为下属单位还款(本加息)21万元。