This point is a military term that takes a comprehensive examination of force establishment, strength, combat readiness and security conditions with rapid mobilization, tactical accomplishments, personnel control, officers and men familiarization, sworn into envoys, political education and equipment implementation. . Our power supply enterprises also frequently carry out safety inspections and conduct a thorough examination of the safety of power grids and employees under the jurisdiction of a series of activities such as pre-employment training for new employees, safety inspection for first-line teams, major safety hazard screening and emergency response drills. The purpose is beyond doubt, just want to check thoroughly to find out the safety problems, find the right prescription, build a secure embankment. However, during the actual implementation of safety inspection, some units are prone to problems of heavy weight, light inspection of the insulators, cracks in the insulators, unsteady foundation of the tower, and whether there are nests on the lines. Employees Of the safety skills are perfect, the various departments in the sudden accident of security collaborate with each other so effectively