目的 了解费森尤斯消毒剂杀灭微生物效果。方法 用不锈钢载体法进行杀菌试验和HBSAg抗原性破坏试验。结果 消毒剂含 2 7 3 %柠檬酸 ,在 2 0± 2°C条件下 ,原液作用 2 0min仅能杀灭枯草杆菌黑色变种芽胞 2 8 5 7%,作用 30min不能破坏HBsAg的抗原性 ;在 84± 2 °C条件下 ,原液作用 2min可 10 0 %杀灭枯草杆菌黑色变种芽胞 ,作用 2 0min可破坏HBsAg的抗原性。 结论 消毒剂在 84± 2°C条件下杀灭微生物效果明显好于在 2 0± 2°C条件下 ,在使用消毒剂时 ,需严格控制温度
Objective To understand Fresenius disinfectant to kill microorganisms. Methods Sterilization test and HBSAg antigenic destruction test were carried out by stainless steel carrier method. Results The disinfectant contained 27.3% citric acid. Under the condition of 20 ± 2 ° C, the original liquid could kill only 285.7% of the B.subtilis black mutant spores at 20 min, and could not destroy the antigenicity of HBsAg after 30 min. Under the conditions of 84 ± 2 ° C, the spores of Bacillus subtilis black mutant could be killed by 10 0% for 2 min and the antigenicity of HBsAg could be destroyed by 20 min. Conclusion Disinfectants kill microorganisms at 84 ± 2 ° C significantly better than under the conditions of 20 ± 2 ° C, the use of disinfectants, the need to strictly control the temperature