我们从1985年7月至1987年6月,对定西地区的中药资源进行了调查,共采集标本2400多份,经鉴定(鉴定者苏耀海)本区有中药资源313种(含变种等),分属于90科,其中植物药77科289种;动物药13科19种;矿物药5种。新发现的资源有35种,其中中药资源33种,暂未药用的2种。为了使该地区中药资源能够合理开发利用,现将结果简要叙述如下: 1.泽泻 Alisma Plantagoaquatica L.Var.ori-entaie Sam.——泽泻科。生于池沼、河边。块茎入药,10月以后采挖。味甘,性寒,作用渗湿,泻火。 2.手掌参 Gymnadenia conopsea R.Br.——兰科。生于林缘或林下潮湿地。块根入药,秋季采挖。味甘,微苦,性温。作用消瘀活血,补肾助阳。 3.单子麻黄 Ephedra monosperma C.A.Mey.——麻黄科。生于向阳干旱的山坡。秋季9—11月割取地上部分,茎枝入药,味辛,微苦,
From July 1985 to June 1987, we conducted a survey of traditional Chinese medicine resources in Dingxi. A total of more than 2400 specimens were collected. After identification (the appraiser Su Yaohai), there are 313 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine resources (including varieties, etc.) in this district. It belongs to 90 families, of which 289 are of 77 families of botanicals, 19 are of 13 families of animal medicines, and 5 are mineral medicines. There are 35 newly discovered resources, of which 33 are traditional Chinese medicine resources and 2 are not yet available for medicinal use. In order to enable the rational development and utilization of traditional Chinese medicine resources in the region, the results are briefly described as follows: 1. Alisma Alisma Plantagoaquatica L.Var.ori-entaie Sam. - Alisma family. Born in the pond and the river. Tubers are used as medicine and are excavated after October. Sweet, cold, the role of moisture, Xiehuo. 2. Palm Senate Gymnadenia conopsea R. Br. - Orchide. Born in the edge of the forest or wet forest. Root medicine, autumn excavation. Sweet, bitter, warm. The role of eliminating blood stasis, kidney yang. 3. Ephedra monosperma C.A. Mey. - Ephedrae. Born on a dry, sunny slope. During the fall of September-November, the above-ground part of the plant was cut off, and the stem branch was used as a medicine. It was spicy and slightly bitter.