这篇论著节译自法国让·谢诺著《1919~1927年的中国劳工运动》(Le mouvement ouvrier chinois de 1919 a 1927)一书的英译本,由于篇幅的限制,原文注释全删。让·谢诺(Jean Chesneaux)是法国巴黎大学文理学院历史学教授,曾经撰写多种有关中国近现代史的专题著作,但他是以《1919~1927年的中国劳工运动》一书而驰誉于当代的。他在这部书中根据大量中、英、法、俄文史料,描述了1919年至1927年紧要关头的岁月里中国产业工人阶级的起源、它的组成部分、它的生活和劳动条件、以及它所承担的迅速扩大的社会和政治任务。该书于1962年在巴黎出版,1968年这部书在美国有了琥珀·莱特夫人(Hope Wright)的英译本,斯坦福大学出版社印行。
This essay was translated from the English translation of the book Jean-Xerox of France entitled “The Chinese Labor Movement of 1919-1927” (1919 a 1927). Due to space constraints, the original sentence was deleted. Jean Chesneaux, Professor of History at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of Paris, France, has authored numerous monographs on modern Chinese history, but he is best known for his book The Chinese Labor Movement, 1919-1927 contemporary. In this book he describes the origins of the working class of the Chinese industry from 1919 to 1927 on the basis of a large number of historical materials in China, English, French and Russian, its components, its living and working conditions, and Its rapidly expanding social and political mission. The book was published in Paris in 1962. In 1968 it was translated into English by Hope Wright in the United States and printed by Stanford University Press.