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从二十世纪初苏联作家叶甫盖尼·扎米亚京的长篇小说《我们》开始,到此后阿道司·赫胥黎的《美丽新世界》,再到乔治·奥威尔的《一九八四》,这三部在世界范围影响甚巨的反乌托邦小说,表面看来,似乎构成了乌托邦小说终结版,因为,在人类对未来富于激情的美丽想象之下,或者说,在二战以来的残酷现实的迫压下,这种反乌托邦的勾勒,似乎多少与后来人类的残酷实践相关,希特勒对世界一统的狂妄想象,斯大林三十代在共产旗帜下的大清除,中国文革 From the beginning of the 20th century novel written by the Soviet writer Evgeny Zamiakan “Us” to the “Beautiful New World” by Adolfo Huxley and then to George Orwell’s " On the surface, it seems that the three dynasties fictions that have a tremendous impact on the entire world seem to form the final version of the utopian novels because, under the beautiful passionate imagination of the future for mankind, or Under such brutal realities since the Second World War, the outline of this dystopia seems to be somewhat related to the subsequent brutal practice of mankind. Hitler’s ambitious vision of world reunification, the great removal of Stalin under the Communist banner in the thirties and the Cultural Revolution