名家访谈在创建世界工厂过程中实施知识产权优势战略 —访海派经济学家程恩富····,··············,,……丁晓钦(3·21) 争鸣与探索警惕资本主义与社会主义“趋同”论的再现·········……钱宗起(l·75)再论我国蔬菜出口现状及策略·········
Interview with Famous Writers to Implement Advantages Strategy of Intellectual Property in Creating World Factories - Interview with Shanghai Economist Cheng Enfu, ......, Ding Xiaocin (3 · 21) And to explore vigilance on the reproduction of the theory of “convergence” between capitalism and socialism ...... QIAN Zongqi (l. 75) Second Discussion on the Present Situation and Strategy of Vegetable Export in China