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移动支付方式的发展令人们的生活变得越来越便捷,其影响逐渐遍及到社会生活中的方方面面,在医疗行业中也能够感受到其影响。本文通过分析医院门诊的整体流程,分析其中存在的问题,针对门诊流程优化过程中出现的各种问题,提出相应的解决方案,以期深刻认识移动支付在门诊流程中起到的优化作用,促进医疗行业的发展和患者看病效率的提高。 The development of mobile payment has made life easier and more convenient. Its impact has gradually spread to all aspects of social life and its impact has also been felt in the medical industry. This paper analyzes the overall flow of outpatient clinic and analyzes the existing problems, puts forward corresponding solutions to various problems in outpatient process optimization, in order to deeply understand the optimization of mobile payment in the outpatient process and promote the medical treatment The development of the industry and the improvement of patient care efficiency.
快速记忆、逻辑推算、听音辨物,《最强大脑》的选手们向我们展现了非凡大脑的惊人对决,而更多的天才们也许没有这样强大的眼力或验算能力,却是在用他们独特的智慧,用科技改变生活。  2014年9月16日,新一期全美最聪慧年轻人(Brilliant Ten)名单出炉,这份由《科技新时代》(PopularScience)杂志颁发的新生代大奖,向世人展现了又一波科学创想。  创刊于1872年的《科技新时代》一直