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幼儿自信心不足很大程度上来自于我们的教育,主要表现在以下几个方面:一、溺爱和过于严格的要求失去了培养幼儿自信的机会幼儿时期正是各种能力形成和发展的关键时期,而我们的不少家长却视孩子为柔弱的个体,采取过度的保护和限制措施,总是竭尽全力替孩子完成各项事务,为 To a large extent, the inadequacy of children’s self-confidence comes from our education mainly in the following aspects: First, spoiled and overly strict requirements have lost the opportunity to nurture children’s confidence The early childhood is a crucial period for the formation and development of various abilities , And many of our parents regard their children as weak individuals and take excessive protection and restraint measures. They always try their best to complete various tasks for their children.
时下正是冬季,中关村的创业大街有些萧条,许多创业咖啡馆、众创空间和天使资本似乎也遇到了寒冬。从2015年众创空间之年一路走来,在创业市场和资本方双向理性的背景下,国内众创空间也走入了发展的“深水区”。全国已有近万家众创空间,它们的“前世今生”和“未来长路”,是当今中国社会的比较热门的一个话题。  源于民间的众创空间  众创空间是近几年诞生的一个新名词,它是科技部在调研北京、深圳等地的创客空间、孵化