一、临床资料患者 ,男 ,32岁 ,运 - 8领航长。被狗咬伤右手食指 ,随即行局部常规消毒 ,2 4h内注射第一针狂犬疫苗 (剂量每支 2 .5IU/ 2 ml)。因狂犬疫苗在被咬后的 0、3、7、14、2 8d各要注射一支 ,注射第一、二支时未见患者不适。但在第 7天注射后的作者单位 :4743 70 河南内
First, the clinical data patients, male, 32 years old, Yun - 8 pilot long. The dog’s right index finger was bitten by a dog and then routinely disinfected locally. The first dose of rabies vaccine was injected within 24 hours (doses of 2.5 IU / 2 ml). Due to rabies vaccine was bitten after the 0,3,7,14,2 8d each injection, injection of the first, two no patient discomfort. However, after the seventh day after the injection unit: 474370 Henan