Trade and the environment:An application of the WIOD database

来源 :Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:farmeress
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The new WIOD database allows for improved empirical analysis on a wide range of important environmental research questions.In this paper we demonstrate the scientific power of the WIOD database and analyze very urgent policy questions on the impacts of international trade and structural change on the environment.We apply recent econometric approaches to show the impact of international trade on the environment via its different channels as for instance to increase welfare and potentially affect environmental regulation as well as countries’sector.This approach has become known as the econometric structural decomposition method.In addition to these guidelines by the literature,an econometric panel data approach is offered to shed some light on the impact of structural change and international trade on environmental pressure,where we especially address and solve several endogeneity issues that add further complexity to the analysis. The new WIOD database allows for improved empirical analysis on a wide range of important environmental research queries ..In this paper we demonstrate the scientific power of the WIOD database and analyze very urgent policy questions on the impacts of international trade and structural change on the environment. We apply recent econometric approaches to show the impact of international trade on the environment via its different channels as for instance to increase welfare and potentially affect environmental regulation as well as countries’ seller. This approach has become known as the econometric structural method method. addition to these guidelines by the literature, an econometric panel data approach is offered to shed some light on the impact of structural change and international trade on environmental pressure, where we particularly address and solve several endogeneity issues that add further complexity to the analysis.
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