Umbilical cord fibroblasts: Could they be considered as mesenchymal stem cells?

来源 :World Journal of Stem Cells | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gnbsr
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In cell therapy protocols, many tissues were proposed as a source of mesenchymal stem cells(MSC) isolation. So far, bone marrow(BM) has been presented as the main source of MSC despite the invasive isolation pro-cedure related to this source. During the last years, the umbilical cord(UC) matrix was cited in different studies as a reliable source from which long term ex vivo prolif-erating fibroblasts were isolated but with contradictory data about their immunophenotype, gene expression profile, and differentiation potential. Hence, an inter-esting question emerged: Are cells isolated from cord matrix(UC-MSC) different from other MSCs? In this re-view, we will summarize different studies that isolated and characterized UC-MSC. Considering BM-MSC as gold standard, we will discuss if UC-MSC fulfill different criteria that define MSC, and what remain to be done in this issue. Many farms were proposed as a source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) isolation. So far, bone marrow (BM) has been presented as the main source of MSC despite the invasive isolation pro-cedure related to this source. During the last years, the umbilical cord (UC) matrix was cited in different studies as a reliable source of long term ex vivo prolif-erating fibroblasts were isolated but with contradictory data about their immunophenotype, gene expression profile, and differentiation potential. , an inter-esting question emerged: Are cells isolated from cord matrix (UC-MSC) different from other MSCs? In this re-view, we will summarize different studies that isolated and characterized UC-MSC. Considering BM-MSC as gold standard , we will discuss if UC-MSC fulfill different criteria that define MSC, and what remain to be done in this issue.
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