人类历史是从低级向高级发展的过程,也是 科学技术不断进步的过程,在历史教学中,挖掘科技教育的内涵,可以强化科学意识,渗透科学思想方法,从而激发孩子的内在潜力。 在历史教学实践中,我主要从三个方面进行了尝试。 一、小制作培养学生的科学意识 在讲述活字印刷时,我先让学生看了一段相关的录像,然后请兴趣小组的一个学生拿着她做好的
Human history is a process of development from low level to high level, and it is also a process of continuous progress in science and technology. In history teaching, digging out the connotations of science and technology education can strengthen scientific awareness and infiltrate scientific thinking methods so as to stimulate children’s inner potential. In history teaching practice, I mainly tried from three aspects. First, the small-scale production of scientific awareness of students In the description of movable type printing, I first allow students to watch a related video, and then ask a student in the interest group to take her to do a good job