韩国襄阳抽水蓄能电站在世界上首次采用大型双级调节混流式水泵水轮机,电站装机容量1 000 MW,预计年发电量1.9 TW.h,水头817 m,是亚洲水头最高的抽水蓄能电站。对电站总体特征、水泵水轮机技术比选、水力机械设计、电站试运行等作了简要介绍。
For the first time in the world, the Xiangyang Pumped Storage Power Station in South Korea has adopted a large two-stage regulated Francis pump turbine with an installed capacity of 1 000 MW and an estimated annual generating capacity of 1.9 TW.h and a head of 817 m. It is the highest pumped storage power station in Asia. The brief introduction of the overall characteristics of the power station, comparison of pump-turbine technology, hydraulic machinery design, power plant commissioning and so on.