After reading Exploring L2 listening instruction: examinations of practice written by Joseph Siege

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  【Abstract】This paper is a response to Exploring L2 listening instruction: examinations of practice written by Joseph Siegel.
  【Key words】Listening skill; techniques

1. Text

  In order to fill the gap of systematic research on listening instruction, Siegel examined 30 authentic listening lessons given by 10 EFL instructors from 5 different universities in Japan to investigate how they actually did in teaching listening, whose results revealed that comprehension questions were used most frequently, and lest frequently was teacher modeling.

2. Text-to-Text

  According to Siegel, there are many techniques that can be applied in listening class besides comprehension approach, such as bottom-up activities, prediction, metacognitive listening strategies, and teacher modeling, whose theoretical underpinnings are in accordance with the metacognitive pedagogical sequence( Vandergrift, 2007). A lot of tasks can also be conducted to fully take the advantage of the techniques, which include one-way listening tasks and interactive listening tasks whose function is to improve students’ core skills for listening comprehension.

3. Text-to-Self

  I always feel puzzled, frustrated and reluctant when asked to teach listening class, for I think it is very difficult to make students motivated and concentrated. I have no idea about what they are doing and what they are thinking while listening. So, teaching listening is my least choice. However, I find it is totally my fault. I always follow the steps of the textbook, where there are often some comprehension questions. I always ask the students to listen to the material for several times, finish the exercises and then check the answers without providing enough scaffolding, let alone other techniques. Just as Siegel proved, comprehension questions have occupied a large amount of my listening class. What I have done is not to improve their listening competence but to evaluate their listening performance.
  I have seriously considered about the reason why comprehension questions have occupied my class. Firstly, I am lack in the professional knowledge, such as the related theoretical basis and practical pedagogy. So to a large extent I am dependent on “listen, answer, check” pattern in my class. Secondly, perhaps as an English teacher in a vocational college where students are of low language proficiency, I have not fully recognized the communicative function of English as a second language. I always have such a discrimination that my students are so poor in English that it could be impossible for them to communicate in English. What I have to do is to finish the syllabus required by the curriculum. Thirdly, in my college, the only way to evaluate students’ language performance is through standardized test. So my emphasis is on how to help students pass the exam instead of improving their listening competence. Therefore, I am in urgent need of self-reflection.

4. Text-to-World

  It could be better for me to discuss with my colleagues the most appropriate approaches that can be used in our own context. We should be aroused the awareness of incorporation of multiple approaches rather than dominant comprehension questions.
  Most of my students are of low language proficiency. They have quite a lot of difficulties in word recognition and parsing. So bottom-up activities could be incorporated so that students’ attention can be drawn to the phonology and syntax which are essential for understanding the semantic meaning of the speakers. Some simple tasks can increase students’ confidence at the very beginning, for example, students can be asked to record the key words or content words they can figure out during the listening. Prediction can also be incorporated to activate students’ schema. If they have difficulties in expressing in English, Chinese can be allowed in the procedure. At the same time, some expressions concerning the topic can be written on the blackboard as scaffolding to help their comprehension. Teacher modeling may be a good way to demonstrate what the teachers do in listening and help students emulate the cognitive process.

5. Conclusion

  Listening skill is the most challenging for both learners to learn and teachers to teach (Vandergrift 2007; Field 2008). So I must update myself to be equipped with the necessary theories and pedagogies.
  [1]Field, J. Listening in the Language Classroom[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2008.
【摘要】在信息化教学发展的今天,微课教学已经成为如今课堂教学的新技术,由于微课教学具有时间短、内容丰富、针对性强等特点,使得微课在高中英语教学中能激发课堂无限潜力,并营造良好课堂氛围,为学生提供一个更为生动、形象的教学课堂,并激发学生学习高中英语知识的积极性与主观能动性。本文重点介绍如何在高中英语教学中更优化的运用微课技术,为教学提供更好的帮助。  【关键词】高中英语;微课教学应用  【作者简介】
【摘要】“十三五”规划就如何提高高职英语教学水平提出了新的要求。随着网络教育平台的兴起与发展,高职英语教师进行相关教学活动时大多依托于网络平台,利用现代化信息技术展开教学,这在很大程度上提升了课堂教学与学生的课外学习效率。本文通过研读相关文献,并结合自身的教学实践经验,就如何在网络平台下进行高职英语教学谈谈自己的看法。  【关键词】网络平台;高职英语;教学模式  【作者简介】王娟娟(1989.10
【摘要】当前,信息科技同社会经济各领域的融合进一步加深,对促进经济发展、文化交流起到了推动作用。作为升学考试重要学科,高中英语受到众多家长、师生的重视。但高中学习紧张,各科学习、复习量大,学生很难将全部精力投入到英语学习中去。慕课模式的灵活性较强,受时间、空间限制小,能够为学生提供更为系统化、逻辑化的知识体系,减轻学习压力。  【关键词】高中英语;慕课模式;教学应用;研究  【作者简介】何娥,甘肃
【摘要】现代企业招聘人才过程中,对于人才的专业基础知识能力、实践创新能力要求较高。本文主要是从高职英语教学以就业为基础的重要性分析入手,重点阐述了高职英语教学的问题,介绍了以职业为基础的教学意义,并以此为前提,提出了一些切实可行的教学優化途径,为全面有效提升高职英语教学水平,培养现代化专业人才提供良好的借鉴和参考。  【关键词】就业;基础;高职英语;教学优化  【作者简介】刘斌(1978.09-)
在小学英语教学中,及时地对小学生在英语学习的各种行为给予评价,能够更有效地发现学生在课堂学习中所存在的问题,并提出相应的改善策略,从而提升英语课堂教学质量。本文结合自身实际教学经验,在分析小学英语教学中应用即时评价意义以及存在问题的基础上,试着提出有建设性的即时评价应用策略,从而切实提升英语课堂教学质量。  将即时性评价应用于小学英语课堂教学中具有多方面的意义。一方面,即时性评价是英语课堂师生交往
【摘要】在交互式电子白板拥有丰富的课程资源与特效功能,能为课堂创设良好的教学情境,有利于课堂教学资源的形成,可以极大的调动学生的学习积极性,帮助学生创建一个更加高效的互动学习课堂。本文通过结合小学英语教学目标,就交互式电子白板在小学英语课堂的应用进行初步探讨。  【关键词】小学英语;交互式电子白板;课堂实践  【作者简介】龙芳,泸州师范附属小学城西学校。  目前,在我国的小学教学中,基于交互式电子
【摘要】兴趣是学生最好的老师,也是学生想要获取知识的源泉和动力。在新课改的背景下,小学英语教学中,教师应该探索如何培养和保持学生浓厚的学习兴趣,激发他们的学习欲望。在小学英语教学中,教师需要注重以学生为本的教学理念,发挥学生的主体作用,开展多样化的英语教学活动等。本篇文章将基于“以生为本”的教学理念,结合教学实际总结如何激发学生英语学习兴趣的有效教学对策。  【关键词】以生为本;英语教学;学习兴趣
【摘要】小组合作学习是一种协作的学习形式,是教师在组织教学的过程中,将学生有组织、有计划地集中到一起,共同开展英语知识探究学习。这种团队模式的英语学习形式,在小学英语教学实施中,运用小组合作学习的形式,可以有效提升英语课堂教学效果,培养学生良好的英语学科核心素养。  【关键词】小组合作;英语;教学  【作者简介】巫男霏,江苏省扬州市竹西小学。  小组合作学习,是依据一定的小组组建规则,根据学生的特
【摘要】近年来,随着我国经济腾飞,科技高速发展,社会各方面都得到了极大的提升。相对于下一代的培育也引起了人们的高度重视。全国各地教育组织和机构都在大力开展小学英语教育,并广泛应用角色扮演作为教学新模式应用在小学英语教学中。本文对角色扮演在小学英语教学中的应用进行浅析。  【关键词】小学英语;角色扮演;教学应用  【作者简介】张霞,丽水经济开发区第一小学。  由于中国迈入了国际化,英语教学也已经从小
【摘要】全球经济的一体化使得英语作为一种国际性语言日益受到重视,目前在我国小学甚至幼儿园阶段都已普遍开展了英语教学。传统的理论教学并不适用于小学英语教学,而小学英语教学的生活化,让学生能够真正将英语与实际生活联系到一起,可以提高学生学习英语的兴趣,使得英语教师在课堂中得到更好的反馈。本文主要研究了小学英语教学生活化的内涵及策略。  【关键词】小学英语;教学生活化;内涵及策略  【作者简介】孙伟伟,