作者:W.B.W.Alison 出版:ARTECH HOUSE(美国)1987。本书原由英国国防部印发,仅100份,系经典性论著。现由Artech House公司经有关方面批准后重新印刷出版,以求改进微波无源元件的性能。对于如何使电磁波在传输过程中能量损失最小的问题,本书可提供参考方法。本书在给出数学公式的基础上陈述波导尺寸公差和元件性能之间的特定关系。本书给出大量经过精心编辑的图表、曲线,便于查找;即;首先找到所需元件的外形图及有关的机械公差变量,随即可查到书中作为有关表格和曲线输入数据的电参量,就可计算得其余变量。该手册并对下而一系列涉及微波元件的性能和特征的问题作理论与实际方面的进一步阐
Author: W.B.W.Alison published: ARTECH HOUSE (USA) 1987. This book was originally issued by the British Ministry of Defense, only 100, Department of classical works. Artech House is now approved by the parties concerned after reprinting the publication, in order to improve the performance of microwave passive components. The book can provide a reference for how to minimize the energy loss during the transmission of electromagnetic waves. This book presents a specific relationship between waveguide dimensional tolerances and component performance based on mathematical formulas. This book gives a lot of carefully edited charts, curves, easy to find; that is; first find the outline of the components required and the mechanical tolerance variables, then you can find the book as the form and curve of the input electrical data, You can calculate the remaining variables. The handbook further discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of the next series of questions concerning the performance and characteristics of microwave components