联合死因(combined cause of death)又称合并死因,是两种或两种以上互不联系的死因,在同一案例中共同引起个体死亡。其中包括:疾病与疾病联合致死;疾病与暴力损伤联合致死;暴力损伤与暴力损伤联合致死。本文报道1例存在机械性窒息及右肾动脉破裂出血,法医学死因分析如下。1案例报告1.1简要案情2014年6月1日10时许,村民张
The combined cause of death, also known as the cause of death, is the cause of death of two or more individuals that are not linked to each other and jointly cause the individual to die in the same case. These include joint death from disease and disease; joint death from disease and violence; death from violence and violence. This article reported a case of mechanical asphyxia and right renal artery rupture bleeding, forensic causes of death as follows. 1 Case report 1.1 Brief case June 1, 2014 10 o’clock, the villagers Zhang