大概是六十年代,宋省予先生有一首题墨竹的诗云: 不袭今人与古人,自家有法写风神。 一枝一叶常观察,胸竹何如眼竹真。这是宋先生的自述,作为研究其画作的资料,当然有其权威性,但是仔细对照宋先生的作品,却不难发现一些发人深省的矛盾。第一句和第二句,是说宋先
Probably the sixties, Mr. Song has to give you a poetic ink bamboo: do not attack today and the ancients, their own law to write Fengshen. Often observe a leaf, how bamboo eye bamboo true. This is a self-report of Mr. Song. As a study of the materials of his paintings, of course, it has its own authority. However, it is not hard to find some thought-provoking contradictions with the careful comparison of Mr. Song’s works. The first sentence and the second sentence, is to say Song first