试一试 更精彩——人美版一年级上学期《花点心》教学与反思

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美术课一直深受学生的青睐,特别是泥工课。低段孩子的参与热情非常高。在泥工课中泥塑技法的学习必不可少,在传统的教学模式下,教师直接一个技法一个技法的灌输,学生亦步亦趋地跟随教师的脚步学习,技法能够学会,也能够达成教学目标,做出作品。但是这样的学习方式,孩子始终处于被动状态,做出的作品也大同小异,千篇一律,久而久之,学生的自主性、积极性和创造性可能就会被磨灭。 Art class has always been favored by students, especially Mason class. Low-level children’s enthusiasm for participation is very high. In the mason class, it is essential to learn the techniques of clay sculpture. In the traditional teaching mode, the teacher directly instils a technique and a technique, and students follow the footsteps of their teachers step by step. The techniques can be learned and the teaching objectives and works can be achieved . However, this way of learning, the children are always in a passive state, and the works they make are similar and stereotyped. As time passes, the autonomy, enthusiasm and creativity of the students may be obliterated.
10月22日 晴  我叫陈君睿,我的小名叫阳阳。我在八五二农场小学一年二班上学。我有两只炯炯有神的大眼睛,还是双眼皮呢。我的鼻子又高又直,下面还有一张棱角分明的小嘴儿。我的上嘴唇上和下巴上都有一颗痦子,我的右手上也有一颗痦子。老师说那是因为上天爱我,给我留下的记号。  我特别爱学习。我参加了好几个补习班,上午学写字和绘画,下午学作文,我的生活很充实也很快乐。  这就是我,你喜欢我吗?  黑龙江省农