患者,女,53岁,农民。於入院前一天下午6时,因生气,突感左侧半身麻木无力,站立不稳,1小时后频繁呕吐,不省人事,大小便失禁。经当地医院抢救治疗后,次日转入我院。检查:体温37.2℃,脉博68次/分,呼吸20次/分,血压174/96mmHg,浅昏迷,面色潮红,呼吸有鼾音,瞳孔等大,直径1.2mm,光反射稍迟钝。颈项强直。左侧中枢性面瘫及偏瘫。巴彬氏征阳性。血象:Hb14.5克,WBC 19400/mm~3,中性78%,淋巴
Patient, female, 53 years old, farmer. 6 o’clock the day before admission, due to anger, suddenly felt weakness in the left half of the numbness, standing instability, 1 hour after frequent vomiting, unconsciousness, incontinence. After the local hospital for treatment, the next day transferred to our hospital. Check: body temperature 37.2 ℃, pulse Bo 68 / min, breathing 20 beats / min, blood pressure 174 / 96mmHg, shallow coma, pale flush, breathing snoring, pupils and other large, diameter 1.2mm, light reflex slightly dull. Neck stiffness. Left central paralysis and hemiplegia. Papin’s positive sign. Blood: Hb14.5 grams, WBC 19400 / mm ~ 3, 78% neutral, lymph