贵州普安青山至新店一带发育有与盘县新民羊件地区相似的中三叠统关岭组地层和海生爬行动物组合。基于贵州普安新店关岭组上部一件完整保存的混鱼龙骨架标本的修理和系统研究,识别并描述了一个混鱼龙的新种——新店混鱼龙(Mixosaurus xindianensis sp. nov.)。结合三叠纪已知鱼龙类化石属种性状的支序分析,比较和讨论了新种与其它已知混鱼龙属种的异同,指出新种兼具以往在欧洲圣乔治山和北美内华达地区中三叠世地层中发现的M.cornalianus和M.callawayi的特征。
Guizhou Pu’an Castle Peak to Xindian area developed with the Panxian Xinmin sheep area similar to the Triassic Guanling Formation and marine reptile combinations. Based on the repair and systematic research of a complete preserved fish skeleton skeleton in the upper part of Guanling Formation, Pu’an Xindian, Guizhou Province, a new species of Mixosaurus xindianensis sp. Nov. Was identified and described. . Based on the sequence analysis of the traits of the genus Ichneumonidae from the Triassic age, the similarities and differences between the new species and other known species of the genus Ichthyosaur are compared and discussed. It is pointed out that the new species combines both the past in Europe and the Sierra Nevada in North America Characteristics of M. Cornalianus and M. Callawayi found in Triassic strata in the area.