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巴西亚马孙地区有一片世界最大的热带雨林,面积280万平方公平,蓄积木材600亿立方米(占世界木材蓄积量38%),为地球提供30%的氧气,号称“地球之肺”。每年5~10月的干季,人们进入林区伐木、垦荒,挑最好的木材砍走,留下枯枝和残林;烧了一片森林翻地耕种,几年后耗尽地力弃之而去,再烧一片林播种。如此反复,森林年年减少。 1987年是亚马孙大灾之年,飞机任何时候从林区上空经过,都能看到腾空的烟火和过火后的灰白点。据美国卫星观测计算,过火面积达2000 The Amazon region of Brazil has the largest tropical rainforest in the world with an area of ​​2.8 million square feet and 60 billion cubic meters of accumulated timber (38% of the world’s timber stock). It supplies 30% of the Earth’s oxygen, known as “the lungs of the earth.” During the dry season from May to October of each year, people go to the forest area to cut down trees, reclaim wasteland, and cut the best timber to leave dead branches and residual forest. After burning a piece of forest and turning to farmland, Go, then burn a forest planting. So repeatedly, the forest decreases every year. The year 1987 was the year of the Amazon disaster. Any time the aircraft passed over the forest, we could see the empty fireworks and the overdue gray spots. According to the United States satellite observations, over-fire area of ​​2000