在建国五十周年之际,展示了一批描写革命历史题材的影视作品,其中的电视剧《红岩》是从几十年前问世的同名小说改编而成的。大家知道,当年小说《红岩》流传甚广。又被改编成电影、歌剧、话剧和说唱等等,其内容几乎家喻户晓。事隔几十年,又有了电视剧,可算是门类齐全,相得益彰,这对于影响过一代人的“红岩精神”继续流传下去,是很有意义的。 小说《红岩》,是在新中国诞生后没有几年就出版的。当时,为建立人民共和国而英勇捐躯的烈士们音容宛在,人们对他们不仅
On the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, a series of film and television works depicting the theme of revolutionary history were exhibited. The drama “Hongyan” was adapted from the novel of the same name that was published decades ago. We all know that when the novel “Hongyan” spread widely. Also adapted into movies, operas, plays and rap and so on, its content is almost a household name. After a few decades, another TV series can be regarded as a complete category and complement each other. This is of great significance to the continued spread of the “Red Rock Spirit” that has influenced generations of people. The novel “Hongyan” was published in a few years after its birth. At that time, the martyrs who heroically sacrificed their lives for the establishment of the People’s Republic were not only wannabe, but also people not only to them