The rheology of the upper mantle peridotite xenoliths in the Shangyu Neoproterozoic nepheline volcanic neck of Hebi, Henan Province was studied. The results show that the Cenozoic pyroxene temperature in Hebi area is generally lower than that in the southeast coast and the lower Yangtze region, and there are two kinds of geothermal characteristics. Among them, the projection points of all spinel lherzolites and individual lherzolites fall on the geothermal curve of the ocean, even higher than the geothermal temperature, which is consistent with the characteristics of the Cenozoic pyroxene geotherms in eastern China. The projection points of the most spinel-harlinite Close to the ground temperature curve or ground shield on the ground temperature curve; all the phlogopite hilite projection point below ground shield temperature. The differential stress (20 ~ 34MPa) of the sample is generally lower than the average stress difference (30MPa) in eastern China. Application of flow rate and equivalent viscosity and depth of data projection, part of the sample is located in the craton area, part of the sample pull the band near the mainland, also showed a dual nature. Data from Hebi confirm that there may be remnants of ancient cratonic lithosphere in the area, which still retain the features of low temperature and enriched mantle