1972年8月中旬,我们和兄弟单位一起赴湖南某地成功救治了一名自动呼吸停止31小时深昏迷达5天之久的重度银环蛇伤患者,现报告如下: 病历及治疗经过患者李××,男,27岁,右足外踝被银环蛇咬伤后约一小时入院。患者于1972年8月14日0点30分在劳动中被银环蛇咬伤右足外踝。当时挤压伤处流出少许血液。伤后约20分钟经卫生队使用止血带,内服季德胜蛇药10片后入院。入院时神志清醒,无不适感,呼吸规则,体温36.7℃,脉搏76,血压120/90,伤处稍红微痒,无肿痛,入院后即服季德胜蛇药14片,并于
In mid August 1972, we went to a place in Hunan province together with our brother unit to successfully treat a severe bungarus snake who has stopped breathing spontaneously for 31 hours and remained unconscious for 5 days. The report is as follows: Medical records and treatment × ×, male, 27 years old, right foot ankle was bite about a hour after binging hospital admission. At 0:30 on August 14, 1972, the patient was bitten right foot lateral malleolus by the bailout in labor. At the time squeeze the wound out of a little blood. About 20 minutes after injury by the tourniquet tourniquet, Oral Ji De Sheng snake medicine 10 after admission. Admission consciousness, no discomfort, breathing rules, body temperature 36.7 ℃, pulse 76, blood pressure 120/90, slightly red wound itching, no swelling and pain, after admission,