
来源 :西南古籍研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lj200610819
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史念海先生生于1912年6月,山西平陆县人,著名的历史地理学家,现代中国历史地理学的创建者之一。早年,先生参加禹贡学会,常在《禹贡》杂志上发表文章,与顾颉刚先生合著的《中国疆域沿革史》于1937年由商务印书馆出版。先生的另一部专著《中国的运河》1944年由重庆史学书局出版。新中国成立后,先生思如泉涌,发表了大量研究论文,出版了历史地理的系列论集《河山集》。史念海先生对历史地理研究的贡献是多方面的。他对黄河流域环境变迁方面的研究大大超过了前人的水平,不单 Mr. Shi Nianhai was born in June 1912, one of the founders of Pinglu County, Shanxi, a famous historical geographer and the founder of modern Chinese history and geography. In his early years, Mr. Yu attended the Yugong Society and often published an article in Yugong magazine. The History of the History of Territory of China was published in 1937 by the Commercial Press in collaboration with Mr. Gu Jiegang. Another monograph by the author, “China’s Canal,” was published in 1944 by the Chongqing Historical Publishing Book Company. After the founding of new China, Mr. thoughtful, published a large number of research papers, published a series of history and geography “Collected Works.” Mr. Shi Nianhai contribution to the study of historical geography is multifaceted. His research on the environmental changes in the Yellow River Basin greatly exceeded the level of his predecessors, not only
摘 要:生物学是一门以实验为基础的实践性与科学性相结合的学科。在科技不断发展的今天,生物学科受到了更多的重视。随着新课程改革的不断深入,初中生物在教学方面取得了一定的发展,初中生物教学质量有所提高,对学生综合能力的培养也起到了积极作用。对当前初中生物教学中存在的一些问题进行反思和创新。  关键词:生物;实践;课改;观念;创新  如今,自然界和人类社会发生着日新月异的变化,体现在教育方面就是新课程改