一、将村务公开工作纳入制度化、法制化轨道。村务公开必须按照上级的要求,凡是涉及群众利益的问题,都必须公开;凡是群众关心、关注的问题都要公开;凡是有利于改善干群关系,有利于勤政廉政,增加政务工作透明度,有利于农村政局稳定的工作,都应公开,使这项工作纳入制度化、法制化轨道。 二、坚决杜绝村干部兼任会计和现金出纳的现象。会计人员必须经过民主选举产生,选出业务精通、品行端正、德才兼备的人员任会
First, to include the openness of village affairs into the institutionalized and legalized track. Open village affairs must be in accordance with the requirements of superiors, all those issues involving the interests of the masses, must be open; all the people concerned about the issues to be open; those who are conducive to improving the relationship between cadres and the masses is conducive to diligent and honest government, transparency in government work, Work conducive to the stability of the political situation in rural areas should be made public and the work should be institutionalized and legalized. Second, resolutely put an end to the phenomenon of village cadres concurrent accounting and cashier and cashier. Accountants must be democratically elected, elected business proficiency, decency, integrity of both officers and staff