三改并举 重在联动

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在医疗保险实施过程中,不可避免地会遇到许多问题,有些问题甚至是严峻和棘手的。中国社会保险学会会长王建伦在中国社会保险学会医疗保险分会首届代表大会上指出,正是由于这些问题的存在,有必要通过我们的政府部门和学术团体,从理论与实践的不同角度,积极分析研究问题产生的根源,寻求与探讨解决问题的有效途径与方法。本着这一宗旨,首届医疗保险论坛便将思考与探寻的目光聚焦在了医改的关节点上,而论坛的主题便是—— In the process of implementing medical insurance, many problems will inevitably come into being, and some problems may even be severe and tricky. Wang Jianlun, president of China Society of Social Insurance, pointed out at the first congress of China Social Insurance Institute Medical Insurance Branch that precisely because of these problems, it is necessary for our government departments and academic groups to take active actions from different angles of theory and practice Analyze the root causes of the research problems, and seek and explore effective ways and methods to solve the problems. In line with this purpose, the first medical insurance forum will focus on the thinking and exploration focused on the medical reform of the joint point, and the theme of the forum is -
<正> 福建省无性系茶苗的繁育,多数是在秋末初冬季节采剪暑梢、秋梢进行短穗扦插,至翌年“小阳春”或延续到春节前后出圃,苗期长达12~15个月,这对苗期长势旺的高生类型品种并