OBJECTIVE: To obtain a stable and effective oral insulin preparation, a series of in vitro studies were carried out on the mechanism of insulin encapsulation with isobutyl cyanoacrylate. METHODS: Nano-encapsulated particles and free insulin were separated by gel chromatography. The RIA method, radiolabeled tracer and the “Antibody Capture” experiment were designed to elucidate the structure of isobutyl cyanoacrylate encapsulated insulin nanoparticles. Results: Most of the insulin molecules (80%) were closely linked with the formed nano-encapsulated particles, which were located on the surface of the encapsulated particles and could be detected by RIA method and had some resistance to protease degradation. Dissolving the encapsulated particles with acetonitrile, most of the insulin molecules (84%) are not in solution but are attached to the polymer. Anti-insulin antibodies and insulin-coated particles react, you can observe under electron microscopy wrapped particles captured by the antibody. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that insulin molecules are not encapsulated in the interior of the particles, nor are they attached to the encapsulated particles in a simple adsorption fashion, but may be incorporated with cyanoacrylate polymers by covalent bonding