研究表明,灵芝含有多种药理作用,是急待开发的天然养品。因此,种植灵芝市场前景乐观。下面介绍一种简单的袋栽灵芝方法。 一、择时选种 目前栽培的灵芝为赤灵芝,主要品种有泰山灵芝、韩国灵芝和日本灵芝。由于形态及所含物质多少有区别,选种要根据外贸收购部门的要求,引进母种或原种。使用的菌种,必须粗壮有力,品种纯正。栽培时间在5月上旬至8月上旬最佳。
Studies have shown that Ganoderma lucidum contains a variety of pharmacological effects, is an urgent need to develop natural supplements. Therefore, planting ganoderma optimistic about the market. Here’s a simple bag of Ganoderma lucidum method. First, timing selection Currently cultivated Ganoderma Ganoderma lucidum, the main varieties are Taishan Ganoderma lucidum, South Korea Ganoderma lucidum and Japan Ganoderma lucidum. Due to the difference in shape and substance contained, the selection should be based on the requirements of the acquisition department of foreign trade and the introduction of the mother or original species. The use of bacteria, must be robust, pure variety. Cultivation time in early May to early August the best.