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共产党员在长征中的模范作用及经验王芹木,段胜利60年前的长征,是在极端艰难困苦的条件下进行的:一是党的团结统一遇到严峻挑战;二是国家的存亡处于危急时刻;三是由于几十万敌军的围追堵截,行军路线被迫选在人迹罕至的地方;四是所经过地区的人民群众对党和红军还... The exemplary role and experience of communists in the long march Wang Qinmu and Duan Shengli conducted the long march 60 years ago under extremely difficult and difficult conditions: First, the party’s unity and unification encountered harsh challenges; second, the country’s survival was at a critical moment ; Third, due to the besieging and blocking of hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, the march route was forced to be chosen in an inaccessible place; Fourth, the masses of the people who passed the region were also ...