李·艾科卡(Lee lacocca)是移民的后裔,他从底层做起,步步高升,成为美国汽车业大亨。他于1946年到福特汽车公司任职。不久,他在公司的销售及市场推销部门声誉鹊起,得到迅速提升,终于在1970年就任福特公司总裁。1978年,艾科卡由于跟亨利·福特意见不和而被解职。几星期后,底特律地区“三大”汽车制造商之一,也就是当时陷入财务困境的克莱斯勒公司,说服艾科卡出任公司主管。面对着公司亏损日增,濒临破产的局面,艾科卡发起了一个颇具争议却又卓有成效的运动,获得了由联邦政府保证的15亿美元的贷款。艾科卡不仅使公司扭亏为盈,还提前七年还清了贷款,因此声威大振,被视为美国的英雄人物。最近,他在《艾科卡自传》中讲述了他的经历。此书畅销,仅精装本就卖了两百多万册。一位评论家在谈到此书时说,“它所叙述的远远不只是个人的经历,而是有关企业管理和组织的金玉良言,是对人性的深刻理解。”本文是该书第五章的摘录。
Lee lacocca, a descendant of immigrants, starts from the ground up and steps up to become the American auto tycoon. He was with Ford Motor Company in 1946. He soon gained a fame in the company’s sales and marketing department, gaining rapid ascension and finally became CEO of Ford in 1970. In 1978, Ecocar was dismissed for failing to agree with Henry Ford. A few weeks later, one of the Big Three carmakers in the Detroit region, Chrysler, was in financial trouble at the time to convince Ecocar to head the company. In the face of growing corporate losses and the brink of bankruptcy, EcoCard launched a controversial yet fruitful campaign to secure a $ 1.5 billion loan guaranteed by the federal government. Ecocar not only turned the company into a profit, but also repaid the loan seven years in advance, so it was regarded as a hero in the United States. Recently, he recounted his experiences in Biographies of Epoca. The book sold well, selling just over two million hardcover books. Commenting on the book, one commentator said “what it describes goes far beyond just personal experiences, but is a golden myth about business management and organization, a profound understanding of human nature.” This article is the fifth in the book Excerpts from the chapter.