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目的了解荣成市2005~2014年淋病、梅毒发病特点和流行趋势,为制定本地有效防控措施提供科学依据。方法利用国家疾病预防控制信息系统中数据,对荣成市2005~2014年报告的淋病和梅毒疫情资料进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2005~2014年荣成市共报告淋病739例,发病率从2005年的18.34/10万减少到2012年的5.86/10万。2005~2014年荣成市共报告梅毒1 201例,发病率从2005年的5.56/10万增加到2014年的43.35/10万。淋病病例≥15岁组男性多于女性(P<0.01)。梅毒病例<40岁各年龄组女性病例数高于男性,≥40岁各年龄组男性病例高于女性(P<0.01)。农民在淋病和梅毒的发病构成比中均位于首位,分别为58.05%(429/739)、53.37%(641/1 201)。结论2005~2014年荣成市淋病发病率呈逐年下降趋势,梅毒发病率呈逐年上升趋势。 Objective To understand the epidemiological and epidemiological characteristics of gonorrhea and syphilis in Rongcheng from 2005 to 2014 and provide a scientific basis for the formulation of effective local prevention and control measures. Methods Based on the data from National Disease Prevention and Control Information System, a descriptive epidemiological analysis of the gonorrhea and syphilis epidemic data reported by Rongcheng from 2005 to 2014 was conducted. Results A total of 739 cases of gonorrhea were reported in Rongcheng City from 2005 to 2014, the incidence of which was reduced from 18.34 / 100000 in 2005 to 5.86 / 100000 in 2012. From 2005 to 2014, Rongcheng City reported a total of 1,201 cases of syphilis, with its incidence increasing from 5.56 / 100,000 in 2005 to 43.35 / 100,000 in 2014. In gonorrhea cases, more men than women were more than 15 years old (P <0.01). In syphilis cases, the number of female cases in each age group <40 years old was higher than that in men, and the male cases in all age groups ≥40 years were higher than the female cases (P <0.01). Peasants ranked first in the incidence of gonorrhea and syphilis, with 58.05% (429/739) and 53.37% (641/1 201) respectively. Conclusion The incidence of gonorrhea in Rongcheng City decreased from 2005 to 2014, and the incidence of syphilis increased year by year.
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目的 了解某院骨科围手术期抗菌药物的应用情况.方法 以为指南,随机抽取2009年4~12月某院骨科Ⅰ类切口手术,预防性使用抗菌药物患者200例,填写患者基本情况和用药情况调查表,
高卖低买是不少投资者在股市交易中经常采取的方式,但不同投资者之间的操作结果差异很大。有的操作结果与初衷趋于一致,做的是高卖低买操作,获得的是正向投资收益;有的结果与初衷正好相反,做的似乎也是高卖低买,但最终得到的却是反向收益,结果是不盈反亏、动不如静。  缘何造成追涨杀跌  投资者G就向笔者讲述了他在股市交易中进行短线交易时遇到的尴尬情景。他说:“交易时我明明做的是高卖低买,但总是在不知不觉中变成