概述自然科学研究工作,是通过对自然的观察或模拟自然现象进行实验,以探索自然奥秘,阐明自然规律,从而达到利用自然、改造自然的目的. 科学研究的方法,是通过对客观事物的观察、调查和实验,把所得到的零散的、现象的、外部联系的各种感性资料收集起来,进行分析研究,提高到理性认识,并用于生产实践,加以检验、补充、修改、丰富和发展. 科学研究工作的最终产物,是出成果,出人才. 研究成果包括科研成果报告、学术著作或论文,以及实物、图件、照片、模型、标
An overview of natural science research is through the natural observation or simulation of natural phenomena to experiment in order to explore the natural mysteries, to clarify the laws of nature, so as to achieve the purpose of using nature and nature.Scientific research methods, through the observation of objective things , Surveys and experiments to collect and analyze the various scattered, phenomenal and extrinsic sensitivities collected and analyzed, and to improve their understanding of rationality and to apply them to production practices to be examined, supplemented, revised, enriched and developed. Scientific research work is the final product, is a result, a talent.Research results include scientific research reports, academic works or papers, as well as objects, maps, photos, models, standards