在日本市场上,德国宝马车是主要进口车之 一。日本宝马公司在2004-9-21日发表了“I系 列”,这是该公司在日本的紧凑型轿车市场上最初 推出的战略车,I系列最高款式“120i”定于2004- 10-9日开始销售。 1 采用前置后驱动(FR)方式 I系列是在宝马紧凑型轿车级别中唯一采用 ?
In the Japanese market, the German BMW is one of the major imported cars. The Japanese company BMW announced the “I Series” from September 9 to September 21, the first strategic car the company launched in Japan’s compact car market. The top model “120i” in the I series is scheduled for 2004-10-9 start selling. 1 with front-rear drive (FR) I Series is the only class used in the BMW compact car?