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引 言液化石油气是以丙烷、丁烷为主要成分的多组分有机混合物。常温常压下呈气体状态,适当提高压力或降低温度即可转变为液体,体积将缩小200倍~300倍。气态液化石油气比空气重且易燃易爆,比重是空气比重的1.5倍,爆炸极限仅为2%。为便于运输、贮存和分配,通常采用常温加压以保持体积较小的液化状态,所以液化石油气储罐为压力容器。 Introduction LPG is a multi-component organic mixture with propane and butane as main components. Atmospheric pressure was gas at normal temperature, appropriate to increase the pressure or reduce the temperature can be transformed into liquid, the volume will be reduced 200 times to 300 times. Gaseous LPG heavier than air and flammable, the proportion is 1.5 times the proportion of air, the explosion limit of only 2%. For ease of transport, storage and distribution, usually at room temperature pressure to maintain a smaller volume of liquefied state, so liquefied petroleum gas tank for the pressure vessel.
采用示波滴定法测定有机无机复混肥料中钾的含量。该法较国标法简便、快速,且准确度和精密度符合国际要求,便于推广应用。 Determination of Potassium in Organic - Inorga