豫麦 6 6号 (兰考 90 6 )是一个典型的大穗、多粒、竖叶、以主茎成穗为主的高产优质小麦新品种。根据该品种的特征特性及近几年的栽培经验 ,其合理产量结构为 :亩成穗 30~ 35万 ,穗粒数 5 0~ 5 5粒 ,千粒重 40 g以上 ,产量 5 5 0~ 6 5 0kg/亩 ,高产达 70 0kg/亩 以上。
Yumai No.66 (Lankao 906) is a typical new large-yielding and high-yielding wheat variety with large spike, multi-grain and vertical leaves. According to the characteristics of the cultivars and the cultivation experience in recent years, the reasonable yield structure is: 30 to 350 thousand mu per ear, 50 to 85 grains per spike, more than 40 g for 1000-grain weight and 550 to 65 0kg / mu, high yield of 70 0kg / mu or more.