1.进一步鼓励外商投资勘查开采我国非油气矿产资源。 2.继续暂停发放稀土、钨、锡、锑、煤、钼、重晶石、萤石8种矿产采矿许可证,以加强对这些矿产的保护与合理利用。 3.继续进行煤炭、冶金、石化、建材等国内生产进口总量控制。目的在于淘汰“落后”的生产能力,调整产
1. We will further encourage foreign investment in exploration and exploitation of non-oil and gas resources in our country. 2. Continue to suspend the issuance of 8 mineral mining licenses for rare earth, tungsten, tin, antimony, coal, molybdenum, barite and fluorite in order to strengthen the protection and rational utilization of these minerals. 3. Continue to control the total amount of domestic production of coal, metallurgy, petrochemicals, building materials and other imports. The purpose is to eliminate “backward” production capacity and adjust production