在学校里常常可以看到这样的情形,学生在课堂上违反纪律,被老师带到办公室谈话,学生气鼓鼓地昂着头不认错。接下去便是这样的对话: 老师;“你这是什么态度?先端正端正态度!站站好!把头低下来!”学生:(慢慢地低下了头) 老师:“好好想想!”(开始批改作业或备课) 老师:“想好了没有?错不错?”学生:……老师:“没想好?那就再想想!”(继续批改作业或备课) 老师:“现在想好了没有?”学生:“想好了。”老师:“错不错?”学生:“错了。”老师:“以后怎么办?”学生;“改正。”老师:“好,以后看你的行动!”
It is often seen in school that students violate discipline in the classroom, are brought to the office by their teacher, and students are confused and cocky. The following is the dialogue: Teacher; “What is your attitude? A positive attitude is correct! Station is good! Head down!” Student: (Slowly lowered his head) Teacher: “Think about it!” Start correcting homework or prepare lesson) teacher: “think no good? Wrong?” Student: ...... teacher: “did not think good? Then think about it again” (continue to modify homework or lesson preparation) teacher: Teacher: “Wrong?” Student: “Wrong.” Teacher: “What to do afterwards?” Student; “Correction.” Teacher: “Well, look at your actions later! ”