位于连云港市境内的新沂河特大桥,经建设者们1年8个月的日夜奋战,于今年3月18日胜利合龙。 这座大桥是江苏省重点建设项目——宁连一级公路的重要组成部分。大桥全长2024.74米,宽24.5米,是江苏省目前最长、规模最大的公路桥。该桥自1992年10月30日开钻打桩以来,大桥下部292根灌注桩、134根
Xinyi River Bridge located in the territory of Lianyungang City, the builders were fighting day and night for one year and eight months, March 18 this year, victory and closing. This bridge is a key construction project in Jiangsu Province - an important part of Ninglian Class I Highway. Bridge length of 2024.74 meters, 24.5 meters wide, is the longest in Jiangsu Province, the largest highway bridge. The bridge since October 30, 1992 drilling piling since the bridge 292 perfusion pile, 134