一、国际标准化组织及其所属几个起重运输机械委员会的情况 国际标准化组织是一个国际性组织(简称ISO),成立于一九四七年二月二十三日,其前身为国际标准化协会(简称ISA)和联合国国际标准协调委员会(简称UNSCC)。ISO的宗旨是在世界范围内推进标准化工作的发展,
I. Situations of the International Organization for Standardization and Several Hoisting and Transporting Machinery Committees The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international organization (ISO) and was established on February 23, 1947. Its predecessor was the International Organization for Standardization. (ISA for short) and the United Nations International Standards Coordinating Committee (UNSCC). The purpose of ISO is to promote the development of standardization work worldwide.