
来源 :清史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ilqiqi2010
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本文根据藏汉文资料对清代大国师章嘉·若必多吉的政治活动进行了较为系统的论述。章嘉国师若必多吉在长达半个多世纪的政教生涯中,以一方藏传佛教领袖的身份,奔波于大漠南北、雪域高原,参与解决了许多民族、宗教问题,为清代前期我国统一的多民族国家的巩固和发展做出了积极的、值得肯定的历史贡献。 Based on the Tibetan and Chinese languages, this article systematically discusses the political activities of Zhang Jia · bimo Duji in the Qing Dynasty. In the past half a century of political and religious life, Zhang Jiaguo, if he wanted Dorjee to run as a Buddhist leader on one side and run in the desert north and south and on the snowy plateau, took part in solving many ethnic and religious problems and became the unification of our country in the early Qing Dynasty The multi-ethnic country’s consolidation and development has made a positive and worthwhile affirmation of its historic contribution.
我手心里全是汗,把乐谱紧紧地抱在怀里,7岁的我还从没有像现在这么紧张过。  前几天,钢琴老师问我能不能在学校的晚会上来段电钢琴独奏,我多希望自己当时没答应她。如果我弹错了乐谱上的一个小节,怎么办?还有,万一出什么问题,怎么办?可是,妈妈鼓励我参加。“你有这方面的天赋。”她说,“你应该把自己的才华和大家分享。”她和我一起在后台等待着。  “我感觉不好。”我悄悄说。妈妈捏捏我的手。灯光暗下来,我紧张得