提起“系统集成商”,直到今天国内恐怕还是有不少人会将他们与“一把起子打天下”的攒机商联系起来——两者存在的共性之一就是:所付出的体力劳动远远超过了脑力劳动。这种看法虽然存在着一定的片面性,但至少有一点是正确的:国内所谓的“传统型系统集成商”,以现在的眼光看来他们的所作所为“高科技”的成份是低了一点。 系统集成(System Integration)的概念,和IT行业其它绝大多数概念一样源于国外。最早的时候(国外起码是在80年代以前),系统集成商所做的只不过是在一些大型机厂商的软、硬件和数据库产品上,根据用户需求开发一些电算化功能,然后将整个系统移交给用户使用就算万事大吉了。在当时信息技术基础设施极端匮乏(至少与当前相比)的条件下,以及大家所掌握的信息技术知识十分有限,系统集成商能够做到这一步已经算是很不错了。
The “system integrators” were mentioned until today, there are probably many people in the country who will link them with “a screwdriver that beats the world”. One of the commonalities between the two is that the manual labor paid is far. Far more than mental work. Although there is a certain degree of partiality in this view, at least one thing is correct: the so-called “traditional system integrators” in the country, from the current point of view, their ingredients for “high-tech” are a little lower. . The concept of System Integration is the same as most other concepts in the IT industry. At the earliest time (abroad, at least before the 80s), the system integrators did nothing but develop software and hardware and database products of some mainframe manufacturers, developed some computerized functions according to the needs of users, and then used the entire system. Even if it is handed over to the user, everything will be fine. At the time, the information technology infrastructure was extremely scarce (at least compared to the current situation), and everyone had a limited knowledge of information technology. System integrators were able to do this very well.