
来源 :医疗卫生装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:killme2005
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随着改革的深入,我国已进入由计划经济转向市场经济的新时期。人们的思维观念、生产模式、经销手段都发生了根本的改变。再不是过去不管市场需求如何就盲目生产,而是现在某种产品市场行情好、销路快、需求量大、经济效益高,就生产什么。在产品的经销上,出现了医疗器械公司、厂家、外商、乡镇企业与个体者互相竞争推销产品的局面。如今是业务员找上门来竭力推销,一改从前采购员四处寻找货源的状况。这样既给采购工作带来了方便,又可在众多的产品中好中选优。但是,也有不利的一面,少数业务员为了推销产品,甚至是不合格的假冒伪劣产品,采用不正当的回扣等手段,拉拢和收买用户。还有的非正规厂与个体加工厂的推销员,盗用正规厂的“生产许可证”、“卫生许可证”、“销售许可证”来推销伪劣产品。加上乱办医疗器材厂,百家经械、非法经营、致使假冒伪劣医疗器材泛滥成灾,导致市场价格混乱、价格波动幅度大,同一种产 With the deepening of reforms, China has entered a new era from planned economy to market economy. People’s thinking concepts, production models, and distribution methods have all undergone fundamental changes. It is not the blind production in the past that no matter what the market demand, but now a certain product market has good market conditions, fast sales, large demand, and high economic benefits. In the distribution of products, the situation in which medical device companies, manufacturers, foreign companies, township enterprises, and individuals compete with each other to sell products. Today, it is the salesman who has come to the door to push for sales and has changed the situation in which buyers used to search for goods. This not only brings convenience to the procurement work, but also can be selected among many products. However, there are also downsides. A few salesmen use unfair rebates and other means to promote and buy users in order to sell products and even unqualified counterfeit and shoddy products. Some of the informal factory and individual processing plant salesman, misappropriating the formal plant’s “production license”, “health license”, “sales license” to promote the sale of shoddy products. In addition to disorderly management of medical equipment factories, one hundred schools have been armed and illegally operated, causing the proliferation of fake and inferior medical equipment, resulting in chaotic market prices and large price fluctuations.
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